Michael Dukakis apologizes for not getting elected and causing 2 Bush presidencies

HTML clipboardFormer Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis on Hannity and Colmes last night apologized for not winning his presidential bid against George Herbert Walker Bush. After reacting to Bill Clintons DNC convention speech by noting the notoriously long address Clinton gave at the Dukakis convention, the topic of discussion shifted to the details of his own failed bid for president.

Host Alan Colmes brought up the fact that Dukakis had apologized for not winning the 1988 election and Dukakis noted that he “was more specific than that”, saying “If I’d beaten the old man, you’d never heard of the kid and we wouldn’t be in this mess” and went on to call current President Bush the worst president he’s ever lived under.

Later, he struggled to come up with a specific to Hannity’s challenge of naming specific accomplishments made by Barack Obama despite co-host Alan Colmes interrupting with pointers.

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