Best Canidate Jokes

The NY Post assembled a list of all time best jokes recently. Here are the ones about our current candidates:

Greg Proops:
They say Hillary Clinton has a bad personality. Really? I forgot about Dick Cheney’s wow factor.

Nick Dipaolo:
I think I might vote for Barack Obama. Because I live in New York City and have been giving black guys change for the past 10 years. I want to see what it feels like for a black guy to give me change.

Jeffrey Ross:
John McCain is so old that running for President is on his bucket list.

Jackie Mason:
Hillary Clinton says she’s the most qualified because she was married to a president for eight years. Now let me ask you, if a brain surgeon quit his job, would everyone in the operating room say, “Wait, let’s get his wife.”

Marc Maron:
It’s significant Barack Obama is running. I think it’s important for black people to have a chance to be misrepresented by one of their own.