Romney Fights for Marraige Vote (VIDEO)

In the video below, Governor Mitt Romney addresses a rally at the Massachusetts State House calling on the legislature to vote on a marriage amendment. The ballot initiative would allow the state’s citizens to vote on the definition of marriage. This is strongly opposed by most hard-leftists because every time citizens are allowed to vote on how their society defines marraige, even the bluest of blue states vote to keep it Man-Woman. Currently the legislature is refusing to allow their constituents to vote on the matter, violating the Massachusetts Constitution.

Although this issue has been proven to not be a left vs right divide (virtually every democrat in congress is against gay marraige), the right is more often smeared as being “anti-gay” for holding this position. Although Mitt Romney has enjoyed a record of being moderate on gay issues while Governor of one of the most liberal states in the union, his current attempt to enforce democracy has earned him a slew of attacks from the left.

However, despite his critics attempts at using this to create a distaste with voters’ association with him, it is difficult to see how this action can do anything but help him. The divide is made painfully clear as Romney reminds his constituents that the founders of the country trusted “the voice of the people, rather than the wisdom of a king”. If Romneys critics strike out on the “don’t vote for him because he wants you to have too much say in how your society is formed” angle, will the “don’t vote for him because he employed someone who employed someone who was not in this country legally” angle work? We all shall see…

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