McCains latest ad…
Romney Didn’t Approve Anti-Thompson Site
The AP reports that a spokesman for Republican Mitt Romney said the presidential candidate did not approve the creation of a Web site severely critical of the personal and political life of Fred Thompson.
The Web site,, was created by Wesley Donehue, a business partner of Warren Tompkins, a South Carolina political operative on the Romney payroll and Romney’s top adviser in the early voting state.
Romney spokesman Kevin Madden said the site was created without the knowledge of Tompkins or Romney. After the campaign received media inquiries about it, Romney aides traced the site to Donehue and complained.
Tancredo on Fox and Friends (VIDEO)
Tonight Show: McCain Makes an Announcement (VIDEO)
John McCain announces his candidacy for president on The Tonight Show.
McCain Too Old? “You Little Jerk” (VIDEO)
McCain jokingly calls a Concord High student a “little jerk” after the student asks whether McCain is too old to be president.
CNN gives more:
Republican White House hopeful John McCain told CNN Tuesday night he was merely trying to be funny when he called a New Hampshire town-hall questioner a “little jerk.”
“He was a little jerk,” McCain said with a smile, referring to a student questioner on Tuesday who cited McCain’s age (71) and asked if the Arizona Republican worried he “might die in office or get Alzheimer’s or some other disease that might affect [his] judgment?” (Related video: Another teen questioner talks with CNN’s Kiran Chetry on his pointed questions)
McCain told the questioner that he was not worried about his age and ended the exchange in his quintessential straight talk tongue in cheek style: “Thanks for the question, you little jerk … you’re drafted.”
Speaking with CNN about the remarks, McCain added that “especially with young people, but with everybody, you got have a sense of humor and exchange.”
McCain added, “He’s entitled to his views and I respect them and that’s why I made sure he was able to respond three or four times. I think that’s what young people expect.”
FNS: Fred Thompson on the issues (VIDEO)
Lightning round on Fox News Sunday.