Romney catches heat for Fan Sign


An indignant blogger asked Romney about this sign he didn’t create, claiming that it compared Americans to Osama Bin Laden. Here at CandidatesBlog we are obligated to note that the mention of 3 proper nouns in a statement is not a comparison or implication of equality.

Romney vs Obama on Sex Ed for Kindergarteners (VIDEO)

When Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama reaffirmed to Planned Parenthood this week that he believes elements of sex education should begin in kindergarten, Republican Mitt Romney saw an opening — and he pounced.

“I was governor four years,’ said Romney. “I never had one person coming to me and say, ‘You know what, governor, I’m concerned about something.’ What’s that? ‘I’m concerned about sex education. I’m concerned my kids aren’t learning enough about sex.’ I never heard that.”

advisers to both campaigns went on Hardball on MSNBC:

NH Republican debate: Mitt Romney

CNN Political Analyst Bill Schneider Said Romney Sounded Like A President.

Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza: “Romney Continues To Perform Well.”

CBN’s David Brody: “If Mitt Romney doesn’t become President, he should seriously consider being CEO of debate school. He could teach every candidate a thing or two. He is so polished, a great speaker and doesn’t come across as robotic.”

– Brody: “His answers tonight on Iraq and immigration were very clear. He comes across as very knowledgeable. I thought it was the right move tonight to NOT attack John McCain on immigration. This way he comes across as the nice guy, not the attack dog.”

National Review Online’s Andy McCarthy: “Romney: enforce the law as it exists… That hits the sweet spot.”

Politico’s Jonathan Martin: “Romney Knocked The Mormon Question Out Of The Park.” “Wolf sorta gave it to him open-ended, but Romney knocked the Mormon question out of the park.”

National Review Online’s Andy McCarthy: “Romney: enforce the law as it exists… That hits the sweet spot.”

The New Republic’s Michael Crowley: “[Governor Romney] is a razor-sharp speaker. The answer about his Mormonism was a perfect 10. The man is a human PowerPoint presentation – it’s almost scary.”

Heading Right’s Macranger: “Romney hits it out of the park! Immigration – ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS! Exactly!”

National Review’s Jim Geraghty: “As I was watching this, I thought, ‘I would be comfortable with Romney as the nominee.’ The word ‘unflappable’ comes to mind. Solid answer on a borderline unfair question on the Mormon thing. I’m struck by how he manages to squeeze an answer that’s usually pretty solid no matter what amount of time is available.”

Politico’s Roger Simon: “Here are the winners and losers of Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate, accurate to three decimal places. FIRST PLACE: Mitt Romney… Romney stood head and shoulders over the other hopefuls…

Here Romney Talks To Larry King right after the Debate. Somewhat of a useless interview, and the video editer graceously cut out Larry’s awkward summary before going to commercial that said “Mitt Romney… Hat, firmly in the ring” – a very odd thing to say about a candidate who announced his running many months ago.

Over at Fox, Frank Luntz showed stats of Romney being the surprise winner among the group he was getting live responses from. Very interesting.