Mitt Romney kinda sorta rules out running again, says no to cabinet position

Romney told reporters this morning that he does not want a cabinet position in a John McCain administration, saying that he would not relish being “soldiered by 27-year-olds in the White House,” as his father did during his days as HUD secretary.

“That is not an attractive position in my view,” Romney said, citing the experience of his dad, George Romney, who served as the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development under President Richard Nixon after his defeat in the 1968 presidential race. “I’ve seen it too close-hand to think that’s something for me.”

In a press conference after remarks to the Utah delegation, Romney said that he expects to remain in the public sector after the November election and will not return to the business world, as many have speculated. But he demurred when asked about a second try at the Oval Office.

“I do not anticipate doing it again,” he chuckled. “It’s hard to imagine doing that.”


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