Fact or Fiction: Analysis of Obama’s Invesco Field Speech

PolitiFact: “We found Obama was doing a little cherry-picking with his claim that Sen. John McCain ‘said no to higher fuel-efficiency standards for cars.’ In fact, McCain has a mixed record, having opposed such measures in 2003 and 2005. But he was such a leader in the effort to raise fuel economy that he was lauded by Sen. Edward Kennedy. We gave Obama’s claim a Barely True.”

The secret identities of the GOP ticket

The McCain double is Colonel Tigh. A fellow who shares

-Both have served in the military.

-Both are war heroes that have been tortured by the enemy.

-Both have significant anger issues.

-Same haircut, balding, elderly look.

And we read something further about him being one of the Cylons, which according to Wikipedia, are a cybernetic civilization at war with the Twelve Colonies of humanity in the Battlestar Galactica science fiction franchise, in the original 1978 & 1980 series, as well as the 2003 reimagining. So… McCain is  a Cylon… or something. And Palin. is… that girl (UPDATE: her name is Roslin and she is also a Cylon. clearly we don’t watch the show).

UPDATE: a website has sprung up making exactly this association…

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Palin definitely has a Tina Fey thing going on we think though…

“Naughty Alaskan librarian” named GOP VP

From June 25, 2007 Alaska makes Craig an honorary citizen. The Governor of Alaska sends Craig Ferguson a personal video offering honorary citizenship to the host.

More buzz on the news of the Palin Pick:

Sarah Palin, maverick

Damage control from Obama: Congratulations, woman candidate!

Will Hillary replace Biden?

Everything Obama isn’t

“Game-changer”: Hill GOP swoons for Palin

Evangelicals go bonkers for Palin Club for Growth rejoices over Palin

It begins: Palin compared to Dan Quayle

Double awesome: Hillary fans celebrate?

Har: Palin not even listed on DNC’s VP attack site

Fred Thompson “absolutely delighted” by Palin pick

Nuance: Obama team knocks Palin for … inexperience

Howard Wolfson uses Palin to smack Obama over Hillary

“The folks at Slate and New York magazine will titter at the rube from the provinces”

Joe Biden, closed captioned (humor)

All right, we’ve stopped checking for our Obama text. It ain’t coming. But we got the next best thing- a Joe Biden youtube video in our inbox, encouraging us to get out the vote. While the Senator from Delaware is sticking to his new “hope, change, hope” talking points, we turned on the closed captioning. Prepare for his speech tonight by watching what he’s really saying today.

Barack Obama’s Brother

The gag in the video, in case you are behind on the news, rests on Obama’s actual brother (yes, that’s really him in the picture, and the info on his lifestyle is correct). Here’s some background on it, with some new takes on some week-old news, mainly about Obama’s brother:

The latest rich man to invite Mr. Obama’s fire is, of course, Republican John McCain. Mr. McCain, who is married to a beer heiress, much as Sen. John Kerry is married to a ketchup heiress, owns seven homes. Excessive this may be, and it did Mr. McCain no good when he said he couldn’t remember how many homes he had. Unsurprisingly, Mr. Obama pounced on that one.

“If you don’t know how many houses you have, then it’s not surprising that you might think the economy is fundamentally strong,” he said. “But if you’re like me, and you got one house, or you are like the millions of people who are struggling right now to keep up with their mortgage so they don’t lose their home, then you might have a different perspective.”

That would ring true with most Americans, but closer scrutiny reveals yet another of Mr. Obama’s hilarious gaffes. For one thing, that “one house” boasts a solarium, four fireplaces, a 1,000-bottle wine cellar and granite-floored kitchen. It’s worth about $1.6 million.

For another, the same day that Mr. Obama ridiculed Mr. McCain, readers around the world, of which Mr. Obama is a citizen, learned that his half-brother, George, lives in abject penury in a hovel in Kenya. George Obama says he spends about a dollar a month. “I have had to learn to live,” the candidate’s half-brother told the Italian edition of “Vanity Fair,” “and take what I need.”

So there was Mr. Obama blasting Mr. McCain for his wealth, even as Mr. Obama, who wangled a sweet real estate deal for his Georgian mansion from a man later convicted on corruption charges, permitted a half-brother to languish in African squalor. You wonder how much hope George Obama has.

The Republican party of Texas took a more serious route, taking the opportunity to attack:

Is it fair? well… kinda, ya. Ed Morrisey notes that On one hand, everyone has some relatives who don’t do as well, and not everyone can afford to support them. However, Obama started this attack on the financial status of family, and while he barely knows his half-brother, George Obama is still a pretty close relation — close enough to get a mention in Barack Obama’s memoirs. Plus, with his haughty condemnation of America as a place lacking the kind of charity mentioned in Matthew (and an incorrect diagnosis, too), the lack of basic charity shown by Obama towards his destitute brother makes him look like a hypocrite twice over.

Michael Dukakis apologizes for not getting elected and causing 2 Bush presidencies

HTML clipboardFormer Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis on Hannity and Colmes last night apologized for not winning his presidential bid against George Herbert Walker Bush. After reacting to Bill Clintons DNC convention speech by noting the notoriously long address Clinton gave at the Dukakis convention, the topic of discussion shifted to the details of his own failed bid for president.

Host Alan Colmes brought up the fact that Dukakis had apologized for not winning the 1988 election and Dukakis noted that he “was more specific than that”, saying “If I’d beaten the old man, you’d never heard of the kid and we wouldn’t be in this mess” and went on to call current President Bush the worst president he’s ever lived under.

Later, he struggled to come up with a specific to Hannity’s challenge of naming specific accomplishments made by Barack Obama despite co-host Alan Colmes interrupting with pointers.