Fred Thompson talks with Sean Hannity about a possible run for president.
Ron Paul: “Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference.”
Libertarian Republican (dark horse) presidential candidate Ron Paul on why he believes gun control made the VT campus vulnerable
Although Virginia does allow individuals to carry concealed weapons if they first obtain a permit, college campuses within the state are specifically exempted. Virginia Tech, like all Virginia colleges, is therefore a gun-free zone, at least for private individuals. And as we witnessed, it didn’t matter how many guns the police had. Only private individuals on the scene could have prevented or lessened this tragedy. Prohibiting guns on campus made the Virginia Tech students less safe, not more.
The Virginia Tech tragedy may not lead directly to more gun control, but I fear it will lead to more people control. Thanks to our media and many government officials, Americans have become conditioned to view the state as our protector and the solution to every problem. Whenever something terrible happens, especially when it becomes a national news story, people reflexively demand that government do something. This impulse almost always leads to bad laws and the loss of liberty. It is completely at odds with the best American traditions of self-reliance and rugged individualism.
Do we really want to live in a world of police checkpoints, surveillance cameras, and metal detectors? Do we really believe government can provide total security? Do we want to involuntarily commit every disaffected, disturbed, or alienated person who fantasizes about violence? Or can we accept that liberty is more important than the illusion of state-provided security?
Mitt Romney on Leno (VIDEO)
GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was a guest on Leno Wednesday night. Leno asked Romney about his hunting prowess.
Leno on Romney (VIDEO)
Jay Leno mocks Mitt Romneys hunting experience, or lack of it.
Mike Gravel on CNN’s Situation Room (VIDEO)
Mike Gravel, 2008 Presidential Candidate on Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. Includes the wonderful news that Mike will be at the NH Debates.
S.C. Democratic Debate: Is the War Lost? (VIDEO)
Candidates Clinton, Biden, Obama and Edwards respond to Sen. Harry Reid’s assessment that the Iraq war is lost.
MySpace, Burnett to launch political reality show in time for ’08 …
The online social networking site MySpace and reality TV producer Mark Burnett are teaming to launch the search for an independent presidential candidate.
The political reality show “Independent” comes with a $1 million cash prize and a catch: The winner can’t keep the money.
The prize can be used to finance a run for the White House or can be given to a political action committee or political cause.
Contestants on the show, set to launch in early 2008, will meet the public and interact with supporters, protesters and others. An interactive “town hall” will give MySpace users and TV viewers a chance to rate their performance.
The show does not yet have a commitment from a TV network.
Potential candidates will audition for the show by submitting a video. Once the contestants are chosen, they will set up MySpace profiles to serve as their campaign headquarters.
“Through this new network television series and the partnership of MySpace, we’re going to discover in a big way what America really thinks,” Burnett said.
The Associated Press
Special Report w/ Brit Hume: Dems on Defense (VIDEO)
Analysis of the MSNBC conversation (wasn’t a “debate” at all), mainly on the issue of Hillary vs. Obama on responding to terror attack.