Kerry sees vindication in Iraq report

Findings mirror campaign views in ’04, he says. From the Boston Globe:

In the heat of the 2004 presidential campaign, Democratic nominee John Kerry declared that President Bush “should convene a summit of the world’s powers and Iraq’s neighbors” to help stabilize the country.

“Second,” Kerry urged on Sept. 20, 2004, “the president must get serious about training Iraqi security forces.”

Shortly thereafter, the president derided Kerry’s call for a regional summit, saying, “I’ve been to a lot of summits. My friends, a summit is not a plan.”
And at a press conference with then-Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi , Bush maintained that “we continue to accelerate the training of Iraqi security forces,” claiming that the Iraqi army was already “half complete.”

But this week, the bipartisan Iraq Study Group determined that Bush must immediately hold a regional summit and sharply increase training to salvage the US mission in Iraq. And in receiving the report, Bush called the ideas “very interesting,” vowing to “act in a timely fashion.”

Now, Kerry, who is considering a second run for the presidency, views the study group’s findings — others of which also mirror his own prescriptions from two years ago — as evidence that he was on the right track in 2004.

Kerry commented, “That’s what I was pressing in ’04, and that is what I am pressing today,” and said the Bush administration ” has wasted two years with slogans while there were real policies on the table that they could have pursued in a bipartisan manner.”

He said that when he first read the Iraq Study Group report, “My initial reaction was, ‘At last the Republicans are put in a place where they can’t play politics with this.’ “

Romney Slams Liberal Massachusetts Legislature (VIDEO)

Gov Mitt Romney slammed the Mass. state legislature for neglecting their constitutional duty to vote on pro-traditional marriage amendment. The initiative, which defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, has the backing of 170,000 Massachusetts residents.

The liberal state legislature DECLINED TO EVEN VOTE to allow the proposed amendment to be placed on the 2008 election ballot. The Massachusetts legislature continues to thwart democracy and refuses to give its constituents the opportunity to vote on the definition of marriage in their state.

Rep. Kucinich – Global War of Error

“It’s time to gather in town halls to discuss the truth about this war and to plan civic action to end it. Time for the American people to exercise their first amendment rights to stand up and speak out. It’s time to redirect the policies of this country. It’s time to learn and practice peaceful, nonviolent conflict resolution. It’s time to believe in our capacity to evolve beyond war, to believe and act under the belief that war is not inevitable and peace is inevitable to commit to the daily peace keeping everywhere. The global war on terror has become a global war of error.”

Tom Vilsack on Obama: “I don’t fear anybody.”

But SHOULD he? Thats the real question. The following from the Chicago Sun-Times:

Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, a Democrat running for president lacks the pizzazz of his major rivals; at least thats how it seems to me and the reporter who politely asked him if he was bland.

“There are different types of charisma,” Vilsack counseled, not all of the flashy Barack Obama variety. “There is a quiet charisma,” he said, “that people look at and say, `this guy is genuine, he is authentic, he is real.”

I could walk down Michigan Ave. with Vilsack and I doubt anyone would recognize him. There would be a stampede if I took the same stroll with the two big names mulling a presidential run–Dem senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I asked Vilsack about Obama at a breakfast for reporters on Tuesday morning hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. He said he doesn’t get excited about potential rivals.

“I don’t fear anybody, if that’s your question.”

It was.

With his wife Christie sitting next to him, Vilsack offered his formula for not languishing at the second tier.

“You have to work longer, and you have to work smarter, and that’s what we intend to do,” Vilsack said.

Obama’s achille heel is his lack of experience. Vilsack said experience is his strong suit and he will compete on the “innovative and creative” end.

Vilsack sees being president at the “CEO of America.”

“Who would hire someone who did not have CEO experience.”