Joe Biden. Gaffe Machine. (VIDEO)

“Shove it down his throat”. The latest off the cuff comment from Democrat Joe Biden. Here is the video from the April 07 Fish Fry, where he answers a question about Bush’s impending veto:

FLASHBACK: Is this not as bad as the gaff shown below when Biden said “You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.”?

Or how about when he said Obama was the first “clean” African American running for president?

EXIT QUESTION: Can he reassure YOU he has the dicipline needed?…

4 Responses

  1. jered from texas August 24 / 3:20 pm

    sites like this are really embarrassing to todays politics. i think the idea that people can willfully take footage out of context to back up a steadfast position is really scary. at least when it’s such an obvious stretch. lets all start being honest with ourselves and forget about politics for a minute, no matter who we support.

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