“Shove it down his throat”. The latest off the cuff comment from Democrat Joe Biden. Here is the video from the April 07 Fish Fry, where he answers a question about Bush’s impending veto:
FLASHBACK: Is this not as bad as the gaff shown below when Biden said “You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent.”?
Or how about when he said Obama was the first “clean” African American running for president?
EXIT QUESTION: Can he reassure YOU he has the dicipline needed?…
The author of this page forgot one crucial video:
sites like this are really embarrassing to todays politics. i think the idea that people can willfully take footage out of context to back up a steadfast position is really scary. at least when it’s such an obvious stretch. lets all start being honest with ourselves and forget about politics for a minute, no matter who we support.