Santorum flip flops on whether Romney is a conservative

In 2008, Rick Santorum said that if you wanted a conservative as the nominee of the Republican Party, “you must vote for Mitt Romney.” Now that Santorum is a competitor of Romneys for the 2012 nomination, he has flip flopped on Romney’s conservatism despite Romney being only more conservative than in 08.

Previously, Buzzfeed released 7 minutes of Santorum talking to Laura Ingraham about how conservative Mitt Romney is.

UPDATE: 2 days after this post, the Drudge report headlines with the link to the video above!

UPDATE: Rick Santorum not only supported liberal Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector (who later left the Republican party to become a Democrat and cast the deciding vote for Obamacare) for reelection to the United States senate when he faced a primary challenge from the conservative republican who currently holds Spectors former senate seat – but he also supported Arlen Spector for President in 1996.

“I was his colleague in the United States Senate. He asked me to stand with him. That certainly wasn’t one of my prouder moments I look back on. But look, you know, you work together as a team for the state of Pennsylvania,” said Santorum. “I certainly knew that Arlen Specter was going nowhere. I certainly disagreed with a lot of things that he said.”
Santorum, who is fiercely against abortion, appeared on stage with Specter in 1995, who was vocally pro-choice at the time.

“I want to take abortion out of politics … and leave moral issues such as abortion to the conscience of the individual. That is a matter to be decided by women, not by big government,” Specter said in 1995.

Santorum said his support for Specter hinged partially on Specter’s support for him when he was running for office in 1994.

Supporting Specter “was something I look back on and wish I hadn’t done,” Santorum said.

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