President Bill Clinton frowns as Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-NY, addresses supporters at the National Building Museum in Washington Saturday, June 7, 2008, as she suspends her campaign for president. (AP Image)
Bill Clinton
Reliable Sources: Bill Clinton and the Press
Early 08 Rachel Maddow and Michael Medved discussed Bill Clintons complaints about the press’ lack of equal scrutiny on Obama. Originally aired 1/13/08:
Bill Clinton on experience (VIDEO)
Bill Clinton on a short leash after South Carolina
The long campaign has taken some of the fight out of the Big Dog.
Bill Clinton is dutifully traveling from state to state and small town to small town on behalf of his wife’s presidential candidacy. But the growling and snapping Bill Clinton that the country saw before the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries has been muzzled and leashed.
He is being kept as far from the media as possible to prevent any more of the red-faced, finger-wagging tirades and freelance political commentary that polls say cost Hillary Rodham Clinton a lot of support, particularly among black voters.