Viral Video Palin impressions roundup

Palin Rap
Description: Recently discovered footage of Sarah Palin rapping about the reasons she should be Vice President of the United States of America.
Reaction: great writing. not so great execution…


Sarah Palin Vlog
Description: Governor Sarah Palin, Republican Vice Presidential candidate, will be vlogging throughout the campaign. Her first vlog was leaked to the press by unknown sources.
Reaction: some funny lines. a decent impression with some relevant satire in it. the most enjoyable parts aren’t Palin specific, but just funny awkward-moment-acting.


Is McCain Palin’s Bitch?
Description: The inside story on how a panicked McCain made a desperate call to the Alaskan governor to bail him out.
Reaction: tightly edited, funny, good look and impression of both characters. This one from Lisa Nova is the clear winner.


This comedic abortion has gotten a lot of play on right leaning and non-political blogs for its…less than great attempt at humor starring Mr Palin.

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