Thompson Decides To Drop Out

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Marc Ambinder
reports that Ex-Sen. Fred Thompson has told several Republicans that he has decided to drop out of the presidential race and will make public his intentions by close of business.

Thompson does not plan to endorse any rivals for now, even though one of his best friends is Sen. John McCain.

He’s been visiting his mother, who is ill, in Tennessee.

UPDATE: It’s official…

“Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort. Jeri and I will always be grateful for the encouragement and friendship of so many wonderful people.”

Ambinder reflects with the following:

He was NOT lazy; his command of policy equaled or exceeded that of his rivals, and he was, as he said, pretty clearly a consistent conservative for his public life. But his staff was poorly managed; it started much too late; his campaign was riven by internal fueds and suspicions: one faction accused the other of leaking to reporters.

He had a nomination strategy that was plausible enough: do well in Iowa, build a bridge to South Carolina, earn delegates everywhere, defeat a single rival handily on Feb. 5 in the Southern states, and earn the establishment’s backing.

Demographically, he alienated Republican women. Mike Huckabee effectively shut off his support in Iowa and South Carolina. In truth, he could have campaign a little more and emphasized retail, rather than stump speeches. He did not raise as much money as he could have, in part because so many donors wondered whether his heart was in the race.

And in many ways, he tried to occupy a space that John McCain more credibly occupied; national security strength, straight talk on the economic challenges facing the country and resiliency.

On the Web:

Fred Thompson drops out…

May position self for VP bid…

Mitt and Hillary win Nevada

PS: Mitt just won Nevada’s primary today by the widest margin of victory so far in the 08 campaign. On the dem side – Hillary bested Obama and really trounced him among latino voters which is a good sign for her. With 78% reporting and a six-point lead, Fox called it for Hillary. The effect of this on the SC race next week will be interesting. Expect Obama to appeal to black voters there to be his firewall.

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Romney Pranks Romney

Just before the Michigan Primary this week, Matt Romney decided to take a some pressure off his dad with a little comic relief.

So what did he do? he prank called his dad Mitt Romney using an Arnold Schwarzenegger soundboard. Mitt is clearly trying to be gracious at first when the awkward questions from Ahhhnolds movies start rolling. He finally realizes its bullshit and hangs up and gives a priceless “wtf just happened?” look as he attempts to figure it out in his head. After all, its not like his private campaign line is in the phone book – making the surprise aspect even better.