Rasmussen: Obama 45, Romney 45; Obama 48, Palin 42

For some reason, the poll speculates about Palin running under a 3rd party:

Just 21% of voters nationwide say Palin should run as an independent if she loses the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. Sixty-three percent (63%) say the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee should not run as an independent. Sixteen percent (16%) are not sure.

If Romney secured the GOP nomination and Palin chose to run as an independent candidate, Obama would win the resulting three-way race with 44% of the vote. Romney is the choice of 33% of the voters under that scenario, with Palin a distant third with 16% support. Three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided…

When Romney is the Republican nominee, he beats Obama among unaffiliated voters 48% to 41%. But when Palin is the GOP candidate, unaffiliated voters prefer Obama by a 47% to 41% margin…

In a three-way race, Palin hurts Romney by drawing 28% Republican support. Romney captures 52% of the GOP vote in that scenario.

John Ziegler and David Shuster in shoutmatch over Palin

The subject: Palin’s internet interview with John Ziegler of HowObamaGotElected.com. The substance: ehh…..


The REAL Sarah Palin on SNL

The Rap Lyrics:

One, two, three
My name is Sarah Palin
You all know me
Vice President nominee of the G-O-P.
Gonna need ya vote
In the next election
Can I get a “What What” from the senior section?

McCain got experience,
McCain got style,
But don’t let him freak you out
When he tries to smile.
‘Cause that smile be creepy,
But when I’m V-P,
All the leaders in the world gonna finally meet me!

Howz it go Eskimos?
Tel me, tell me what you know, Eskimos!
How you feel Eskimos?
(Ice cold!)
Tell me, tell me what you feel Eskimos
(Supa’ cold!)

I’m Jeremiah wright
‘Cause tonight I’m the preacha
I got a bookish look and ya all hot fo’ teacha
Todd lookin’ fine on his snow machine,
So hot for each other need a go-between.

In Wasilla we just chill, baby chilla,
But when I see oil it’s “Drill, baby, drilla!”

My country ’tis of thee,
From my porch I can see,
Russia and such

All the mavericks in the house put ya hands up!
All the mavericks in the house put ya hands up!

All the plumbers in the house pull ya pants up!
All the plumbers in the house pull ya pants up!

When I say Obama you say Ayers
I built me a bridge it ain’t going nowhere!

McCain/Palin gonna put the nail in
The coffin, of the media elite
(She likes red meat!)
Shoot a motherhumpin’ moose eight days of the week!


Now ya dead!
Now ya dead ’cause I’m an animal!
And I’m bigga than you!

‘Hold of a shot gun, walk in the pub
Everybody party, we’re goin’ on a hunt



Yo, I’m Palin, I’m out!

Katie Couric goofs on Palin

Out of the “Palin stupid answers” box, it seems to us that refusing to name a specific consistent news source she reads is hardly even a qualifier to be allowed entry into said box.

Good thing Katie Couric is an objective journalist and is able to recognize those points though.